Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Season of the Chilly Toes


December 28, and our first snowfall of the winter.  Very late; last winter there was snow on the ground starting in October.  But so far no one is complaining.

Merganser Morning



Sunday, December 19, 2021

Sunday, December 5, 2021

It's About Light


Same scene, different light.
All photographs, all paintings, are really studies of the qualities of light.  When you think of it that way, the subject is relatively unimportant.
One of my favorite sayings, which I wish I'd thought of:
"A day without sunshine is like . . . night."

No Such Thing As Too Many Books


Monday, November 1, 2021

Orange Vista

Happy Camper, October 31


Johnson's Sauk Trail Park is a little gem of a state park near Kewanee, Illinois.  This deer has it all to himself now that the summer campers have been shooed away.  The lakeshore road closes for six long months on November 1, so we went over for a beautiful farewell drive on Oct. 31.  Alas, this year the park superintendent padlocked it a day early!  Perhaps he wanted an early start to his long winter's nap.  So possession has been returned to the wildlife now, and doubtless they are glad to see us go.

Changes Coming


First Splendor of Fall