Friday, November 30, 2018

Latest Paintings

 Some 8-inch square abstracts in acrylic, something different for me.  Every so often it's valuable to just play with the paint, with no preconceived ideas of what it "should be".
Should is a word that doesn't belong in painting.  How refreshing!

Celestial Spheres and Square Stars

 Canyon de Chelly

Something Fishy

Fruit Basket

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

What A Difference A (Sunny) Day Makes


Poor Frank.  As an Australian born and raised in Texas, he emphatically is NOT open to this thing called snow.  He would prefer that I carry him around so his feet don't get cold.

Monday, November 26, 2018

November Blizzard

Woohoo, the first blizzard of the season!  Been waiting for this all year.  lol

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Thanks Giving

Every last kernel is out of the field and into a bin somewhere.  Farmers heave a huge sigh of relief.  The stresses that go into raising and tending food for another year can hardly be described, but when the task is finally completed, prayers of thanks can be offered up wholeheartedly.


Is this not just the most self-satisfied face you've ever seen?  :-)

Celebrating Ice on the Hennepin Canal

 Bird feed.  A great blue heron waits patiently for a handout from a kayaker sitting on the ice.


Welcome warmth.