Monday, March 30, 2020

The Art of Nature

I've been reading books on art, because what better way to spend quarantine time?  (Well, making art, of course.)  I decided to combine these three photos and make something different.  This is computer-edited, but I could just as well paint it.  I may do that too.  There's no limit to what you can imagine, and if you can imagine it, you can make it.  Life is good.

And another one, super-heated this time.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Fun With Computers

A blah foggy day, time on my hands, and Photoshop.  Yay!

Buzz Chill

Down For The Count

So many fine old barns have been torn down over the years.  It makes sense.  Why maintain something that has no use anymore?  It was our grandparents' way of life, but will never be ours or our childrens', with but a few exceptions.

Today, less than 1% of our population are full-time farmers.  That's a scary thing, when much of our food is now being imported from countries which don't have the safety standards we do.  In America we have historically produced the highest quality food for the cheapest price.  It's ominous to watch that change.

Monday, March 23, 2020

The Last Winter Snow?

It's A Dog's Life

This phrase meant a miserably unhappy existence when it was first coined in the 1500s.  Happily, things have changed!

Thick Air

Peace And Quiet

 This is Johnson's Sauk Trail Park in Illinois.  Such a beautiful place!

Parks are good for the refreshment of soul and body at any time, but now that the world is coping with the Covid-19 virus, it's recommended to stay away from people and get outdoors.  Perfect, right?

But our governor, in his infinite wisdom, has closed all state parks, so now there is a shiny new padlocked gate across the entrance.  Apparently chains and padlocks are good for what ails us here in Illinois.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Couch Coyote

My human has been known to refer to me as a couch coyote.  (It sounds better if you pronounce it as the three-syllable Western ki-'O-tee, rather than the Midwestern 'KI-oat.  But still.)  I think I'm going to have to nip that in the bud, with emphasis on "nip".

As soon as I'm done with my nap.




Monday, March 2, 2020

Preaching to the Choir

"Wait!  Wait!  Where are you going?"