Thursday, April 26, 2018

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Can't You Read The Sign?

"Signs? Signs? We don't read no stinkin' signs!"

Saturday, April 21, 2018

That Starling Time of Year


 Dirty, raucous, confrontational. But oh, those jewel colors!

First Boat of Spring

The fishing pole lies idle while (you guessed it) I check my phone . . .

Getting Our Hands Dirty

At a pottery class at Rutabaga Art Studio in Illinois. Great fun!

This last one is the lidded box I made. I scratched patterns into the soft clay and painted on different colors of glazes. I'm really pleased with this for my first try at fired pottery. It's harder than it looks and gives me a whole new respect for those who do it well.

Winter Quiet