Saturday, December 31, 2016

New Year's Eve

Wow, don't we all yearn for more?  And this is the time that longing emerges the strongest, this artificial construct that lets us imagine a change of calendar heralds a brand-new life.  A life with no mistakes in it, a life in which we can finally be the person we want to be.

Hey, I'm not disparaging that longing!  I feel it too.  The more intensely, as a matter of fact, as I get older.  My longing is also tinged with regret for the growing number of new years that haven't been an entirely successful reinvention of myself.  Hope is futile without action, though.  May this be the year that all of us add the proper action that makes a strong foundation under our dreams.

So dream on.  Dream big!  And act, my friends.  Let's take that step together.

Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Playing 'What If' With Photos

I've taken photos since I could hold a camera.  Love it, just love it!  Who knows why we are drawn to the interests we are?  Me, I'm all about the visual.

So it's no stretch to want to take my photos further.  I do that with Photoshop Elements, the budget-friendly version of Photoshop.  It's another tool, like a new camera, that helps me express myself.

So here's the latest, with a beautiful birdhouse that deserves to stand out from it's dull and foggy day.



I call this Cozy At Home.  To do a little shameless self-promotion, a lot of my photos are for sale at, including this one.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Blowing Snow

And there's one in every crowd . . .  (I wouldn't know anything about that.)  😉

Sunday, December 18, 2016

What A Difference A Day Makes

"They went that-a-way!"

Ice Testing

Not so much fishing, but a lot of hole-drilling.  I'd volunteer to test the ice for them, but, you know, I like my bath water hot . . .

Sunday, December 4, 2016

The Heart of the Town

Snows of Yesteryear

Creek In Snow

What a difference a day makes!  A very late date for the first snow in northern Illinois, not that I'm complaining.  A wet 7.5 inches so far, which is sticking beautifully to the trees.  That's unusual; commonly we get wind with it so it doesn't stay where it lands.  Illinois can be a "flyover" state in more ways than one.

Friday, December 2, 2016

You've Been Warned

I got a laugh out of this one.  Something will shortly be worked on ahead, but what?  It doesn't actually matter, does it?  Drive carefully.

Stop for Beauty

Seriously, what schedule could be so important that you couldn't pull over for 30 seconds and say, "Whoa, look at that!"  Right?

Life is made more beautiful by these random stunning moments.  How about beginning a collection of them?
