Sunday, June 28, 2020

Crystalline Barn

It's starting to heat up outside.  High humidity, the bane of my existence.  So I made a refreshing image by sandwiching this barn picture with one of the ice on my window pane.  It helps!  Until I go outside, of course.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Day Is Done

Isn't That What They Say?

A bad day fishing is better than the best day at work.

Sing Praises

Dawn Light On Old Brick

Just before and after the summer solstice, the rising sun shines on the north side of buildings.  Glorious light!  Can't get enough of it!

Friday, June 5, 2020

Kay's Words of Wisdom

The idea is that we very seldom do anything perfectly the first time.
All accomplishment is a matter of practice, and the more we practice, the sooner we'll get good at it.  Funny how that works, huh?

Latest Photos With An Upbeat Focus

Some new inspiration now at Rutabaga Art Studio, downtown Geneseo IL.