Friday, August 12, 2016

Thrill Of The Chase

I love storms.  I guess I'm not alone, judging by the remarkable pictures posted by a multitude of amateur and professional storm chasers.  Not that I have any desire to be "swept up" in the thrill of a tornado, of course.  But there's something about a storm front coming through that's energizing.

Yesterday while having coffee with a friend, her husband considerately called to tell her a storm watch had been issued.  "Well, we were done with our coffee anyway," she said in a slightly disappointed tone.  "Yep," I said.  "Although my first impulse is to take pictures of the storm, not go home."

"Me too!" she said happily.

So we did.

Monday, August 1, 2016

I Thought Sure This Was The Road . . .


As I mentioned in my previous blog (find it here), I'm feeling the need to stretch and expand.  That's a good thing.  While I'll always be a photographer, there's no reason not to learn new things and create something that didn't exist before.  In fact, I think it's rather wasteful of life to stay in a narrow little comfort zone and not push to learn more and be more.  It's disrespectful of our Creator, however you envision Him/Her.

So you'll find drawings and paintings here in addition to the ever-present photos.  Some finished, some in progress, some half-assed.  Hey, my blog = my right to make mistakes.  It takes a little time and distance before I can tell whether a creation is delectable or deletable.

Anyway, this is my "art" site.  Although I'm trying to learn fine art techniques, I cringe when I use the shorthand description "artist".  Michelangelo was an artist.  I'm a middling painter.  But look if you wish.  Comment if you want.  We're all creative in some way, so it's all good.  Welcome!